May 16, 2018

A Tax on Unhealthy Food by Michelle Embrich- Summary

    From the very beginning, Michelle Embrich suggests that a serious overweight problem is occurring in the United States. Over two-thirds of adults are overweight or obese from the research in 2014. This health crisis leads to more cost on health care and insurance for people. Therefore, Embrich then make a propose to put a tax on unhealthy food, including food high in fat and high in sugar. 
    Taxes on similar unhealthy products have been implemented. It is quite useful on discourage smokers to spend more money on smoking. Also, a research does show that if a tax of 18 percent were put on soda and pizza particularly, the average American could lose five pounds.
    However, the difficulty is, American mostly don’t like government to interfere in their life. Unsuccessful case as the attempt to ban oversized sodas in New York City restaurants made people upset. Sixty percent of New Yokers considered it a bad idea according to a poll by NBC. 
    But still, adding taxes on unhealthy food is much acceptable to Americans when they pay more to eat unhealthier. Only if people started to realize by 2030 the annual health care costs in the country would be doubled to $380 billion will they agree with the policies and save their own lives.

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